Sunday, February 18, 2007

Gender pay gap worse in London

For those, like myself, you just received their ticket for Capital Women in the post, you might like to have a look at this, courtesy of the BBC ......

Gender pay gap 'worse in London'

The average pay gap between women and men is far worse in London than the rest of the UK. The gap is 23% in London compared to 17% in the rest of the country, according to the findings in the Women in London's Economy report. The report states the reason for this is because the majority of the top paid jobs go to men. The report is being published to coincide with a conference on Thursday for business leaders and policy-makers.

It states women at the higher and lower ends of the pay scale are particularly badly hit. It also shows women with children in London have a £20 a week lower income than in the rest of the UK, despite London's much higher cost of living. Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London said:

"London's future as the powerhouse of the UK's economy is critically dependent on the contribution of women. But this report shows that the glass ceiling is no myth but a reality holding women back."

The report also found that 19% of women in London, nearly one in five, are earning less than the London Living Wage, of £7.05 per hour, compared to only 12% of men. Backing the report's findings Jenny Watson, Equal Opportunities Commission chair, said London "wastes women's talents. Without more action from the private sector to tackle sex inequality throughout London's economy, the pay gap will never close," she said.

1 comment:

Maddy said...

I can't remember the statistics accurately, but I heard something about this on the radio last week and it's definitely worse in the States 30 something %.