Monday, January 22, 2007

Disgusting 'purity balls'

Just in case you hadn't realised that women are (preferably 'pure') property waiting to be exchanged by two men, then this makes it crystal clear. Please join me in a big collective 'ewww....'


andrew said...

Ye gods, that is disgusting. There are really creepy undertones pervading that whole process.

As a side note, I think I feel a little bit sorry for that poor girl who is saving her first kiss/other activities for her wedding night. That is going to be some most unsatisfying, supremely awkward consummation right there.

snippy_feminist said...

Thanks for your comment Andrew, and I agree - I'm guessing these women aren't going to have the best sex life! Clearly, they will have no conception of female sexual desire.

Monika said...

This is scary on so many levels...

It feels to me so much like ownership of property versus promoting self esteem and other more positive/healthy ways of bonding with one's child and discussing one's views on sexuality.

Interestingly, I saw no mention of son balls (forgive the pun).