Monday, January 22, 2007

Gender and the Media - Ros Gill

This is the latest book by my fab ex-supervisor Ros Gill. You can read about it here. I came across it today at the LSE Waterstones and will be reading it as soon as I get through a bit of feminist fiction I have lying about the place.

(I am finally going to read Miles Franklin's 'My Brilliant Career' - an Australian classic that I wanted to study for my English A-levels years ago but wasn't allowed to. How's that for a restrictive masculinist cannon! I think I ended up doing Alan Paton's 'Cry Freedom' instead.)

For those of you who are interested in an academic perspective on lad mag culture and advertising (a la Overloaded) then this would be ideal. Though if you are looking for a straight-forward political denouncement of lad mags, then that probably isn't going to happen. From what I remember Ros often takes, like me, more of a Foucauldian position of 'isn't it interesting how....'

As well as being an amazing academic and supervisor, Ros is also a fab all-round nice person and feminist, hence why I will be buying the book rather than just pilfering it from the library.

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